1. put your music on shuffle. (get your itunes first)
2. for each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. tag 12 friends who might enjoy doing the memo as well as the person you got the memo from.
1. If someone says "is this okay?" you say..
let there be love - oasis.
yes it's okay, love.2. What would best describe your personality?
Lucky man - the verve.
lucky women exactly...3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
stop this train - john mayer.
well, i like the superguy whos be able to stop the train with his empty hand. hahahaa4. How do you feel today?
di bangku taman - pure saturday. *?????*
wew, i get this lyrics "...setelah lelah nikmati malam, mata terpejam..." passs banget... so sleepy now..5. What is your motto?
my delirium - ladyhawke.
"STOP playing with my delirium"6. What is your life's purpose?
silent society - santamonica.
yesss.. because silent is gold, and gold is money, and money is everyone life's purpose 7. What do your friends think of you?
touch me i'm going to scream - my morning jacket.
hahahahahaaa don't you ever touch me friend! 8. What do you think about very often?
paris is burning - ladyhawke.
yaaa, top of the pop!! i sing this song every minutes...9. What is 2+2?
it's not over yet - klaxons.
haha.. kaga nyambung..
10. What do you think of your boy/girlfriend?
lucy in the sky with diamonds - the beatles.
lano in the sky with diamonds...11. What do you think of the person you like?
he doesn't know why - fleet foxes.
ehhmmm... kok kali ini nyambung amat...12. What is your life story?
big day - tahiti 80.
optimistic life.. i am agree...13. What do you want to be when you grow up?
another rainy day - corinne bailey rae.
mmmhh... jadi pawang ujan kali nih maksudnya... oh noooo14. What will they play at your funeral?
you're the one for me fatty - morrissey.
they called me FATTY?? arrggghhhh...15. What will you dance to at your wedding?
wave of mutilation - the pixies.
it must be ryan mutilator to be the bridegroom. oh no againn..16. What do you think when you see the person you like?
teddy picker - arctic monkeys. *??????*
17. What is your hobby/interest?
yellow submarine - the beatles.
yaaa ngarep itumah bukan hobii....
18. What is your biggest secret?
why do you let me stay here? - she & him.
WOW... kali ini speechless19. What's the worst thing that could happen?
sticky summer - sugarplum fairies.
summer summer... free tanning... keling dah20. What makes you cry?
matahari - it's different class.
NOOOOOOO, it makes me smile and want to play my old guitar... 21.What makes you laugh?
sunday girl - blondie.
ha ha22. What is the one thing you regret?
i'm outta time - oasis.
"..looking back at all the things we've done.." 23. Will you ever get married?
make it hot - crystal castles.
oh uh ah ih ohhcchhh24. What scares you most?
universal - blur.
huhh... i love the next century (if blur isn't wrong) "Every paper that you read
Says tomorrows your lucky day"25 What will you post this as?
provider - NERD.